Self mailer cover
First reveal
Inside spread
Mailing panel

Series of Marquee Posters
Above-door window decal
Above-door window decal
Indoor Signage & Decals
Lobby poster
Floor decal for lobby—patrons can navigate the labyrinth to the logo in the middle and/or navigate to the exit which leads to the "Genius Cafe" (excuse the dirt!)
Floor decal for Genius Cafe
Step decals
Step decals
Hallway window decals featuring Genius-related imagery, quotes, fun facts
Hallway window decals featuring Genius-related imagery, quotes, fun facts
Hero wall for Genius Cafe, featuring chairs, tables and a timeline of history throughout the walls.
Wall decal featuring part of timeline of history
Wall decal featuring part of timeline of history
Wall decal featuring part of timeline of history
Wall decal featuring part of timeline of history
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